A Living Education

Rediscover Wonder

The Charlotte Mason Approach To Christian School Education in West Michigan


The idea of relationship is at the very heart of a Charlotte Mason education. Because relationship is central, class sizes are limited, that students may know and be known.


The atmosphere of a learning environment is a vital component to a life-giving, Christian school education. Students learn best in a structured, peaceful atmosphere that is rich in ideas, beauty, vigor, and wonder.


Education is a discipline. Preparation for a life well-lived requires training of the heart and of the will; therefore students are trained to develop strong intellectual, moral, and interpersonal habits.


Children need physical, intellectual, and moral nutrition. Life is full of delight and struggle, and these elements are cultivated within the classroom as well.

“Do not let the endless succession of small things crowd great ideals out of sight and out of mind.”

– Charlotte M. Mason

The Only Christian School in West Michigan Offering Charlotte Mason Education

In following the trend of the Industrial Revolution, traditional schools (even some Christian schools) employ a factory-based approach, as if children were products to be created at scale. The system has to be designed to be extremely efficient because it favors higher numbers of students in a classroom.

Charlotte Mason advocated for a philosophy of education that values children as born persons who should be treated as a whole human being with individual personality, gifts, and needs. A child’s personhood should be respected and cherished, while also being challenged toward growth.

Living Books

Selective, original, and well-written books by original thinkers that have not been predigested for students

Minimal screens

Training students to be creators of technology, rather than merely consumers

Small Classes

A class size conducive to the discipleship of each child

A Living Education

Everything we do is on purpose. When the psalmist wrote that each of us is “fearfully and wonderfully made”, he hinted at the vast potential for greatness—and loss—in each image-bearer. 

The atmosphere in which a child grows, observes, and learns has everything to do with their long-term views of what is valuable, what is worth having, and what is worth pursuing. We view every element of our school day as an opportunity to speak into those values. 

As such, our classroom environments, instructional techniques, teacher-student relationships, and approach to the cultivation of life skills have a distinct look and feel that differ from other traditional Christian school programs.

Resources for Parents

About Ambleside

Video Library

Living Books



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Your Tour

Calvary Schools of Holland Unveils New Brand Identity, Reflecting Growth and Change

HOLLAND, MI – Calvary Schools of Holland is proud to announce the launch of a refreshed brand identity, marking a significant milestone in our school’s journey. This exciting transformation includes a new logo, updated colors, a redesigned website, and a forthcoming...

The New Look of Calvary Schools of Holland

By Cheryl Ward Head of School Calvary Schools of Holland Three years ago, we began to understand that we needed a cohesive and updated look that would reflect, not just where we have been organizationally, but also where we are now, and where we are headed. We began a...

Keeping our Compass Steady

By Cheryl Ward Head of School Calvary Schools of Holland This week, I watched a class of high school juniors and seniors sling red portable chairs over their shoulders and head outside to read Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. With 40 acres to...


By Stacia Firebaugh Class 9 Humanities Teacher Calvary Schools of Holland In Charlotte Mason schools, we often say that education is “an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” But what do we mean by atmosphere? Click to view our...


By Zach Ward Director of Instruction, High School Teacher Calvary Schools of Holland We are a storytelling people. It’s one of the primary means by which we relate to one another and make sense of our relationship to the world. Charlotte Mason, the educator upon whose...

Living Books

By Ben Sytsma Principal Calvary Schools of Holland In a Charlotte Mason education, studies should serve as a delight, not a chore or a drudgery to get through. The reading of books, when chosen well, should bring joy, inspiration,...