
By Stacia Firebaugh Class 9 Humanities Teacher Calvary Schools of Holland In Charlotte Mason schools, we often say that education is “an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” But what do we mean by atmosphere? Click to view our latest video Oftentimes we think of the physical setting of the...

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By Zach Ward Director of Instruction, High School Teacher Calvary Schools of Holland We are a storytelling people. It’s one of the primary means by which we relate to one another and make sense of our relationship to the world. Charlotte Mason, the educator upon whose pedagogical insights Calvary’s educational...

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Living Books

By Ben Sytsma Principal Calvary Schools of Holland In a Charlotte Mason education, studies should serve as a delight, not a chore or a drudgery to get through. The reading of books, when chosen well, should bring joy, inspiration, deep thought, and satisfaction. Click to view our latest video When...

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New things happening this year

We’re extending a big welcome to our new Class 2 teacher, Nikki Hassevoort. Dear Calvary Families, We are three weeks into our new school year and students are settling into their new routines. Elementary students “weathered” the heat with fans and popsicles, while also starting new relationships with books, subjects,...

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From Chicago to Holland

Cheryl and Zach Ward at their first-ever Tulip Time Kinderparade in their first year at Calvary Schools in 2016. Dear Calvary Families, Throughout this past school year, I have been sharing parts of my story about how specific life experiences have had transformative effects on my heart and career. If...

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Celebrating Our Wins

Classes 2 and 3 helped with maple syrup processing at Van Raalte Farm this week.   Dear Calvary Families, It’s officially spring and, while the year is certainly not finished, I’d love to take some time to celebrate some Calvary wins this year. There are many to highlight. Student Experiences:...

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Froebels for Kindergarten & Young Learners

Frederich Froebel was a German educator perhaps best known for inventing kindergarten. One of his exercises, now called Froebel Gifts, is an ideal way to provide structured play and learning for kindergarten and other young learners that leads to a greater understanding of math, science, geometry, physics, and many other...

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