Nature Study: Discovering The Creator

Nature Study: Discovering The Creator

By Brandon & Melissa Byrd 8th Grade Teacher & 4th Grade Teacher Calvary Schools of Holland Creation points people back to our Creator. “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” – Psalm 8:1 We are invited to give glory to God through...
New things happening this year

New things happening this year

We’re extending a big welcome to our new Class 2 teacher, Nikki Hassevoort. Dear Calvary Families, We are three weeks into our new school year and students are settling into their new routines. Elementary students “weathered” the heat with fans and popsicles,...

From Chicago to Holland

Cheryl and Zach Ward at their first-ever Tulip Time Kinderparade in their first year at Calvary Schools in 2016. Dear Calvary Families, Throughout this past school year, I have been sharing parts of my story about how specific life experiences have had transformative...

Joy: The Charlotte Mason Experience at Calvary

By Cheryl Ward Head of School, Calvary Schools of Holland Charlotte Mason believed that minds are truly nourished when they engage ideas—the best thoughts of the best minds. The result of engaging with these living ideas? Joy. Yes, it is possible for modern students...

Celebrating Our Wins

Classes 2 and 3 helped with maple syrup processing at Van Raalte Farm this week.   Dear Calvary Families, It’s officially spring and, while the year is certainly not finished, I’d love to take some time to celebrate some Calvary wins this year. There...