Calvary Schools of Holland presents

A Christmas Concert

Virtual Presentation

Welcome to this special presentation of our annual Christmas Concert event. We hope that you can set aside this special moment to watch your students and their friends sing beautiful songs and recite meaningful passages that they have been working on together. Our whole school community has worked together to create a beautiful and meaningful evening of celebration that we can all enjoy at home and share with our family members, both local and distant. We hope the popcorn and hot chocolate gift that we sent home with students helps bring another special touch to your time together this evening. Enjoy!



As we near the end of 2020, our inability to gather together as a community for concerts and fundraising events (like our annual auction) has created a challenge for us. Would you prayerfully consider a year-end gift?

  • You can give a gift online (by clicking on the button below)
  • Mail a check to 6047 147th Ave, Holland, MI 49423
  • Or drop it off at one of our offices

Thank you for partnering with us!

Thank you for joining us for our Christmas Concert. We are so grateful for you. May God bless and keep you during this Christmas season. Merry Christmas!