Step 1 – Complete a school tour and interview with Calvary Schools of Holland administration. To schedule: Call: (616) 396-4494 or contact us.
Step 2 – Complete a student shadow time and readiness or benchmark assessment.
Step 3 – Produce transcripts, report cards, and any important student information for administrative review
Step 4 – Upon invitation to enroll: Submit application online.
Step 5 – Turn in the following items to complete your application:
- $175.00 non-refundable application fee per student.
- Release transfer of student’s permanent school file.
- Student’s birth certificate.
- Student’s complete immunization record.
- A completed Health Appraisal for K4 and Kindergarten students.
- A completed Records Release Form.
Step 6 – Once you have completed Steps 1-5, and Calvary Schools has received and reviewed your child’s cumulative records/CA60 file for content, accuracy, and proper disclosure, you will have successfully completed the enrollment process.
Discounts and scholarships are available.
Enrollment Forms

Financial Obligations