Kindergarten &
Junior Kindergarten
Charlotte Mason Education in Kindergarten & Junior Kindergarten
The atmosphere should be peaceful and joyful in junior kindergarten and kindergarten classrooms. It is important that the environment include focused attention, outdoor play, and guided work.
In the Charlotte Mason method, students use Froebels, a method of exploring the nature and movement of objects that affords early opportunities to understand mathematics and science.
Students also begin Handwork, a subject that helps children form good habits and inspires them towards good and worthy ways to engage with the world around them. Children in our programs also learn early how to mix colors, paint, and form enjoyable relationships with nature through Nature Study.
The Charlotte Mason model of education helps students grow in all learning styles and abilities. Whether it be kinesthetic learning, visual learning, or auditory learning: it is important for children to grow in being able to learn and grow through all of these mediums. This aptitude begins at the earliest grade levels and continues throughout their time at school.

Junior Kindergarten
In junior kindergarten, parents may choose a half-day or full-day schedule for their 4- and 5-year-olds in conjunction with assessment findings. In kindergarten, parents may choose 5 mornings or 5 full days. Placement decisions are made in partnership with parents according to the child’s developmental readiness, assessments, and family needs.

Junior Kindergarten
2024-25 rates shown. Full afternoon programming is also available. Contact us at 616-396-4494 for more information.
2024-25 rates shown. Additional information on Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy and the curriculum we use can be found at Ambleside Schools International.