Calvary Schools’ approach to high school is different from a traditional school in that our greatest value remains on growth, engagement, and doing work well. Class sizes are intentionally small, and students take responsibility for the mental and physical work set before them daily.
Calvary’s high school offers varied coursework, as is consistent with a Charlotte Mason approach. All students are working at growing in their relationship with all subjects. Coursework for high school students includes the humanities seminar (Bible, literature, poetry, history, and art/composer/nature studies), science, mathematics, choir, physical conditioning (PE), visual arts, language study, etc. High school students read books in narrative form wherever possible, including many of the traditional literary greats.Textbooks are used in some courses, such as mathematics and science.
Worship is an important aspect of Calvary high school, including worship through music, service, prayer, and reflection times. Calvary students worship together weekly through our chapel and Service Practica programs.
Classes 9-10
Classes 9 and 10 delve into ancient and modern history and literature; biology and chemistry; and algebra 2 and geometry. Students at these grade levels also sing together in choir, work on physical conditioning, and draw and sketch in art.
Classes 11-12
Classes 11 and 12 cover American and world citizenship and literature; physics and advanced sciences; and statistics, pre-calculus, and/or business accounting. Students at these grade levels may continue with choir, physical conditioning, and art. Additional opportunities for upperclassmen include specialized enrichment courses, such as criminal law, effective leadership, creative writing, dual enrollment courses for college credit, and courses at the Careerline Tech Center.