At Calvary Schools, serving others is an act of worship as well as a duty. Service is a part of spiritual formation. Avenues for spiritual formation include Biblical studies, scripture memory, prayer, focus on maturity traits throughout the day, living ideas, strong role model relationships, and practical application.

Students serve by helping out with chores, giving words of affirmation, and taking care of those who are weaker than themselves. In high school, students display a stronger mastery of a service mindset and begin to train and practice for areas of service through our Chapel and Service Practica programs.

Chapel and Service Practica are intended to be connected as important parts of our spiritual formation. Students worship and learn about Christ together, and they also serve together.

Chapel is usually held on the first, third, and fifth Wednesdays of the month. A theme or book is chosen for the year, and respected Christian leaders are invited to speak on specific topics or themes. Chapel involves music, prayer, and a message. Students frequently provide worship music for Chapel.

Service Practica is held every Wednesday of the month. Thus, service times are shorter on chapel days and longer on non-chapel days. This allows flexibility so that there is enough time for longer service opportunities at least twice a month. Practicums operate on a learn, plan, do, debrief cycle.

Service Practica classes are intended to help students explore new areas of service and to rethink how they can use their interests and talents toward service. Following Christ’s example, spiritual maturity is developed by learning and serving with mature Christian servants. All Service Practica instructors are mature believers who have expertise in their service course.

Service Practica is also intended as a certificate program that can be used to showcase areas of knowledge that could be used for resumes, college applications, etc. Calvary students receive certification upon completion of one year per course. Students receive two full credits for service in four years at Calvary. Upon graduation, students will receive a certificate, along with their diploma, which lists areas of expertise in service.