Grandparents Day 2021

Calvary Schools of Holland presents Grandparents Day Virtual Presentation Welcome to this special online presentation of our annual Grandparents Day event. We have put this together for our grandparents and grandfriends who could not be with us in person on this special day (and for those who want to enjoy...

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Spring Concert 2021

  Calvary Schools of Holland presents Spring Celebration of Learning Concert Virtual Presentation Welcome to this special presentation of our annual Spring Celebration of Learning Concert. We hope that you can set aside that evening to join us online for this virtual event, in which your students and their friends...

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Calvary Moms Gather to Pray

A group of Calvary moms meets once a week to pray together for our families and school community. Weekly moms prayer group experiences answered prayers, invites other moms By Barb VanDyke Leader, Moms in Prayer Calvary Schools of Holland Although we are privileged and blessed to be mothers, we moms...

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Christmas Concert

  Calvary Schools of Holland presents A Christmas Concert Virtual Presentation Welcome to this special presentation of our annual Christmas Concert event. We hope that you can set aside this special moment to watch your students and their friends sing beautiful songs and recite meaningful passages that they have been...

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